Wednesday, October 20, 2010

this is gettin oldddd

Ok so me and Clint just ARENT going to work. He thinks i will ruin his life if i break up with him. When he can break up with me for that fucking blond headed bitch. I just dont feel the same way about him anymore. I can't be with him and lie to his face about wanting to be with him. People change. I've changed. I dont wanna be with him anymore. I wanna grow up already. We had our fun in High School. And thats all we're ever gonna be is a high school relationship. I deserve so much better and i know that i can do way better. Chris and Clint hate me for dumping each of them and Chris isnt talking to me. He thinks im crazy. Well...i guess i am. Idk. I need to break up with him soon...i can't sit here and lie to him...lead him on. It's not who i am.

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