Thursday, October 28, 2010

Had an interesting night...

So i was at Adrians house tonight and was really wanting to see Austin...That boy hasnt been off my mind. It sucks that he leaves soon. I feel like i shouldve spent more time with him. Well he came over and it was kindaaaaaa awkward at first because we werent really doing anything. But he showed Adrian some little fighting moves and ALMOST killed me!!! I will never volunteer again...Although some of those little positions were very kinky. i'd do him. Like he was on top for a while...i could totally get used to that. haha. god im a dirty thinker:P Anyways after a while we ended up just laying was kinda perfect. Adrian fell asleep. thank god. haha. He's got like...the perfect arms. The kidd is pretty in shape if i must say. He showed me his tattoos too:) Dayuuuummm..that is all. He really makes me wanna date him. The best part of tonight was the fact that he slow danced with me outside. It was freezing cold and this boy is trying to dance with me in the middle of the street. NEVER in my life has a guy wanted to dance with me in the street. he seems too perfect and it's bothering me that i can't figure him out.

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