Tuesday, October 12, 2010

State Fair

Soooo the CRAZIEST thing happened today. Clint and i went to the fair because we were bored and stuff. And guess who i run into. Austin Kidd! What are the flippin odds? How weird...He's supposed to be in Seattle...i THOUGHT. Idk when he got back. I didn't really expect him to see me. Let alone know my name. or even REMEMBER ME! haha. I heard someone call my name and i turn around and i see this super sexy hunk of a man..lol. No seriously. This guy is SMOKIN. He was cute on skype. And like...in person....he's cute. AND sexy. ha. I wrote him saying how it was weird seeing him at the fair. He seems nice:) Although Clint wasnt too happy that i hugged him and i barely knew him. But who cares..this guy was too cute. And he's really nice from when i've talked to him. No harm in hugging a future friend:) Anywho the fair was ok. Clint made me eat really weird shit. Like gator. WHO the FUCK eat's gator? i mean damn what's wrong with Chicken and Beef........lol anywhooooooo ive had a long day and i wanna sleep:) GOOOOD NIGHTT

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