Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer 2010!

So summer is going awesome:) I've pretty much spent all of my time with Timmy. We've been going to a lot of parties. Timmy got mad at me a few weeks ago because he thought i was flirting with Logan. Dude, Logan flirts with EVERYONE! Plus, every time i'm nice to a guy or just start a convo up, i end up "flirting" i guess. It's stupid though. Timmy's partying gets really annoying sometimes. He's never sober enough to actually talk to me...Plus he also confessed his love to me...It was weird and awkward. And i honestly didnt know what to say to it...i kinda just stood there like an idiot and was like "alrighty then"...he tries i guess, he'll try to talk to me and sometimes randomly try to be romantic and sing to me. Mostly John Mayer..Shocker haha. We kinda make an awkward sometimes we dont even act like we're dating. And i even find myself thinking about Chris:( He freakin hates me, and i feel horrible still. I keep thinking about that day in the hallway where we made eye contact and said nothing. That was the WORST! I screwed him over and i didn't mean to. I mean it just didnt seem like he liked me. idk. Maybe i'm weird. ughh. oh well. Maybe i'll talk to him again sometime. We'll see i guess.

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