Sunday, June 13, 2010

Timmy's 18th Bday Surprise!!

So i decided to be an amazing girlfriend and throw Timmy a party for his 18th birthday yesterday:) I invited Danny, Logan, Michael, Bryce, and some girl he wanted to take. haha. It turned out well. He had no idea i had planned it:) We played beer pong...which Logan and i owneeeed at! I also made yummy amazing cuppy cakes:) 18 of course:) andddddddddddd i even got Timmy John Mayer ticket's. He was really excited when i gave them to him. I also spent a shit load to get back stage passes for the concert, just so he could meet his idol:) Why yes...i am that good!
(Not actual image)
We got in the hot tub later that night. And just talked about everything. I also smeared a cup cake on him...muahhhahaha:)

It was a good day:) I think Timmy liked it.:D

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