Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hawaii the Great!

Oh my god! Hawaii is beautiful!!! I've never seen anything so pretty in my life. I wish i could be here forever. The people here are the nicest i think ive ever met. We get free time at night and so i guess i find myself on the beach, just thinking about everything. It's just calm and quiet. The best thing for me. We had our contest yesterday. It was weird because it was only against like 4 schools, all from Texas. Some of them were a little stuck up i must admit. But nothing too major. We get a whole floor in our hotel all to ourselves. Which is pretty amazing. We also went to the beach today and took some pretty cool pictures.Yeah we got super sun burned. Ouch, also we got henna tattoos. Which was super fun. Mine was only $10 total. I got a peace sign on my wrist and a flower on my lower stomach. Ha it only took like 10 minutes and looks super fresh. But yeah, tomorrow morning we're going to wake up early and go watch the sunrise at the beach. So that should be fun. Post more later. Good night! I'm goin for the Aloe. haha

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