Saturday, March 21, 2009


Went camping with Clint, Matt, Dalton and Chase.

We were planning on drinking but Clint decided to be a dumb ass and bring his truck out there, he got stuck and we spent LITERALLY the entire night trying to get him out. We had to go to Wal-mart to get another tow strap, because Dalton's broke trying to get him out. We were out there from about 11:00 to about 5 am trying to get his ass out. Ugh hes so stupid. It was funny though. We were all crazy and tired the next day and went to clean the trucks off. We also went to eat donuts..that was funny. Considering we were all dirty and muddy. I fucked up my boots, haha now they are my "if i have nothing to wear to get dirty" boots:)

Monday, March 16, 2009

We leave tomorrow!

So the past couple days zave been pretty great. Woke up and went to Perry Smorgys to eat breakfast. We also went sight seeing. We saw that one bridge on "50 first dates", where Drew Barrymore runs. Haha remember? Well, we also saw where "Lost" is filmed. We saw the whole set and everything. It was pretty cool, well...actually amazing. Haha. It rained for a few hours and we got soaked walking back to the hotel. We went to this shopping center called the International Marketplace. It's outside and you walk around and buy almost anything. Everything there is under 10 dollars. I don't think ive ever seen so many peace signs in my life! I guess you could say i was in love. I finally found peace sign stud earrings!! I could never find them. But yeah. We also saw Pearl Harbor, with this really really really hot Navy boy. He was about 19, we got numbers. Haha. It was super cool though. We had to ride a ferry to the site. And we threw our lei's that we got into the water in memory of those who died. It was pretty sacred i guess you could say. There was absolutly no talking whatsoever. Which was super hard for me. Since i talk all the time, lol. But yeah we leave tomorrow at like 6. So ill probably be on the beach all day. I think ive filled up my phonebook in my phone. There are so many hot guys there! Lets just say i got numbers. haha. Ttyl.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hawaii the Great!

Oh my god! Hawaii is beautiful!!! I've never seen anything so pretty in my life. I wish i could be here forever. The people here are the nicest i think ive ever met. We get free time at night and so i guess i find myself on the beach, just thinking about everything. It's just calm and quiet. The best thing for me. We had our contest yesterday. It was weird because it was only against like 4 schools, all from Texas. Some of them were a little stuck up i must admit. But nothing too major. We get a whole floor in our hotel all to ourselves. Which is pretty amazing. We also went to the beach today and took some pretty cool pictures.Yeah we got super sun burned. Ouch, also we got henna tattoos. Which was super fun. Mine was only $10 total. I got a peace sign on my wrist and a flower on my lower stomach. Ha it only took like 10 minutes and looks super fresh. But yeah, tomorrow morning we're going to wake up early and go watch the sunrise at the beach. So that should be fun. Post more later. Good night! I'm goin for the Aloe. haha

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th?!

So im on my way to Hawaii as we speak, or in other words as i write this. And it's Friday the 13th! I'm gonna die! Ah. haha. I'm super excited though. Its about 12 in the morning and im just sitting here in my chair thinking about everything. Thank god for internet when you're bored huh?! Im defintely sitting next to Ingrid of course she's sleeping. haha. And Lila is sitting behind me with her damn feet all up in the air. oh lord. But its all good. I'm basically just trying to pass the time now. Since i have about 4 hours on a plane to Hawaii. I don't get service in Hawaii on my phone i just found out. Gay. So i don't really know how im going to deal without talking to Nik. He's basically my source of life. I miss him terribly im not gonna lie. He is all i think about these days. Unfortunatly i can never concentrate without him popping into my head every second. Oh well, i guess ill get over it eventually. On another subject, im talking to this guy named Carl. haha. Kind of a weird name i know. Carl, as is Carl on Spongebob? Is there even a Carl on Spongebob? Oh god thats gonna bug me! Ha. Ima have to look that up. But yeah, he's super nice. And he most of the time he keeps my mind off of Nik. Which is good. I guess you could say im trying to find someone to replace Nik. It might work out after all. It's really hard to say that because i don't want to. But i really have no other choice.
Besides, it seems like i do better when im not alone, and when i have a boyfriend i guess you could say it keeps me stable. So we'll see what happens. He promised me we would hang out when i come back. But yeah. So im gonna try and go to sleep, maybe do some homework, and hopefully be in the beautiful state of Hawaii!!
Bye for now. I'll write more later.