Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sometimes i wish all this would go away. I wish i could change everything that ive done. Everything ive said. But i cant. I dont really know how to handle things anymore. Its like one event after another. One little fight with my mom changed everything. Im probably living with my dad and Denise now. I think im changing schools. Im going to try to get into this school called Booker T. Washington of performing arts. You have to either audition or bring a portfolio. The school is mainly for dancers, artists, musicians, actors and actresses. It also has your normal English, Math, History, and Science. Along with other electives. The more i think about it, the more i want to go there. How awesome would it be to dance everyday for 3 periods? To meet new people and get loads of scholarship options? Of course i would be going there for dance and not art. The auditions are either Feb 7th or March 6th. You have to perform a ballet combo and make up a min solo. I don't know if ill get in but im going to try. It seems like a good idea.

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