Monday, February 9, 2009

Damn, my life sucks.

So a few days ago i got kicked out my moms house. We were fighting as usual and she said i was out. Great. I stayed with Denise for a couple days. And it seemed like everything was going wrong. Next thing i know my foot is sprained and Nik and i basically hate eachother. Just great. I dont think ive ever felt so confused in my life. I don't even know what to do. Apparantly i'm "disrespectful" which is total bull shit. Nik said that and i got super pissed. He has no idea what im going through and then he throws this shit on me? It's like he wants me to deal with him along with all my other problems. I dont't have time to deal with him and my mom and everyone else. He makes it seem like hes the only person that matters to me. It just so happens i have almost everyone on my mom side of the family that hates me. They aren't supporting me anymore or talking to me. The only time my mom talks to me is when shes yelling at me. Nik doesnt understand how difficult my life is. He makes me think he does but he really has no idea. I dont even know if he really cares. what does he expect? Every time someone has a bad day...tbey should apologize? No, thats not how life works. If he would have just left me alone i wouldnt have said anything "disrepectful" to him. I don't even know if we can still be the same after this. Its like our relationship is going down hill anyways. So i dont know if it even matters anymore. Whats done is done. If he cant accept that im going through a hard time then why am i still talking to him? Its one bad thing after another. Like im not meant to be happy. But thats all for now. Dr. Strong keeps eye-balling me from the front of the room. Not like i care. Hes an ass anyways. Peace.

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