Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How much Divorce affects me.

I never thought of having a blog before but someone close to me told me its better to write your feelings down than have them bundled up inside you. I figured i would give it a try. My parents were pretty into each other at the time. Both my Mom and my Dad were married previously. My Mom had two children with her previous husband. My sisters, Michelle and Sarah. My Dad also had a kid, named Tanya. My dad has always been a alcoholic. He never got along with my Grandparents or his sisters and brother. My mom on the other hand was close to her Dad. Well im not so sure how my parents acutally met, but i know they got along most of the time. My dad was abusive to my mom and hit her every once in a while. My sisters were afraid of him because he would say he would burn the house down. My mother couldnt do anything about because she had no money and no family in TX. (originally from New Mexico) When my mom was pregnant with me, my dad had hit her and thrown her on the bed in a hotel room. This caused the placenta to tear and my life to be in danger. My mom went to the doctor and they asked her if she wanted to keep it, that she would have to stay in bed for 7 months and not move or do anything athletic. If she was to move, she would cause more damage and possibly lose me. So for that time she stayed in bed. She didnt move. My sisters would help her to the bathroom and feeding her. My dad of course, was at the bar, getting drunk and hitting on other women. Once i was born, i was very small and had a heart murmor. (hole in the heart) I had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks in order for it to heal. Once i was finally old enough to leave the hospital my mom secretly left my dad while he was at the bar. She got a moving truck and moved everything she owned into storage. She took me and we lived in a shelter for months hiding from my dad. My sisters went up to live with my grand-parents in NM. My dad is a powerful man and can get anything he wants. He's wealthy and has a lot of connections. My mom filed for a divorce and told the judge that my dad was a drunk. He twisted things around and told her she was a drunk. Being the powerful guy he is, they believed him. My mom had no money and no home. My sister Tanya begged her to take her with her. But since she wasn't her parent she wasnt allowed. She worked at a church and a daycare center trying to get by. The judge finally decited that neither would have full custody of me, and that i would have to go to my dads every other weekend and every thursday. There was nothing they could do. I absolutly HAD to go with him no matter what. It was when i turned 12 that i would be able to tell the judge who i wanted to live with. While i was growing up i ended up getting both a step-mom and a step-dad. With that came with step-brothers and step-sisters. My step-mom has practically been my savior. She's always taken care of me, knowing what kind of man my dad is she still stays with him because of me. She claims she will stay with me and my dad until i graduate, once this is done she says shes moving out. I feel bad for her because everyone has always tried to take care of me. I dont want people to go through something they shouldnt because of me. Throughout my life, both of my parents, especially my mom, have been telling me to choose who i want to live with. Im 16 already and i cant choose between them. Without my dad my mom wouldnt be able to afford the house she lives in or do anything that she does. My dad's child-support has helped us get by time and time again. My dad doesnt have any one. He doesnt talk to his family or anyone he used to. The only people that seem to be important to him is his friends at the bar. My mom and I constantly fight non-stop and we never get along long enough to where we can actually have a conversation. My sisters have moved out and live together now. Although they say i can tell them anything they will never understand fully what im going through. No one understands why i am the way that i am. Ive been hurt by so many people that i cant grasp the fact that i have some people that actually DO care about me. My parents divorce lasted 4 years until it was confirmed and processed. Ive been told many stories about how abusive my dad is. ive also been told that my mom is crazy and that she starts problems. Both of these stories have come from both sides of the family. I'm not 100% sure if either of these are true or not. I have only what i know from experiences. I know my dad is a drunk. I know my mom is bipolar. It just sucks i get caught in the middle. I see people with their families and i get kinda sad. I wish i had a normal life where i can live in one place and not move around.

Although this happened to me in the past, my life growing up hasnt been a total waste.
Ive met great people and done great things for myself. My best friend Denise knows probably more than anyone knows about me. She's been through everything with me. The times where i don't want to live. Or just want to run away from it all. I have no idea what i would do without her. She's definetly my strength and my hope. High school is almost done. One more year left. I think i can handle it without breaking down. Completely.

"Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win."


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