Sunday, May 30, 2010

Jason Aldean && Brooks & Dunn Concert=Beast:D

sooooo i saw my freakin IDOL tonight! Jason Aldean:) I absolutly love him! Also saw Brooks & Dunn. It was their last sad:( but the concert was amazing, and my sisters and i made stupid videos:D So i guess you could say it was super good bonding time haha. I'm totally going to Jason Aldean's next concert:)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dartmouth Senior Breakfast:)

So this morning i went to my Senior Breakfast at my EL school:) It was awesome to see everyone after all of these years:) Including my old best friend, Merida. Even got reunited with our Troup 34 Girl Scout Group:) It was very exciting:) We ate goooooood food and went look around the school again. I remember running in the gym, and it being hell. And now i could walk around it in a second. All my teachers remembered meee:D It made me feel loved! ahhh good memories, i'm gonna miss everyone when graduation hits:(

Julian is just too tall.......
Me and Bryceeee:D

Julian can look over the book case in the library...hahahhah

yeah she's still around.....:)
The three girls that used to exchange beanie babies with each other during christmas every year:) We always pretended we were the Spice Girls;) Damn we're awesme..i love these girls!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Soooo prom was pretty much awesome!!!! We rented a limoooo:) And also rented a condo right in the middle of the Dallas Skyline:D Prom was awesome i saw pretty much every one there. Clint didnt go surprise surprise, haha. Timmy and i have actually been gettin along pretty well:) No more Bobela drama, and no more Clint drama. I think they finally backed off. Considering Clint ignored me throughout Spring Show...he outta die. jk no but really, haha. Anyways, we got to prom and went immediatly to the food. Which was not half bad to be honest:D We danced a little and left pretty early to go to the condo. It was really nice. Of course there was one bed..awesome. BUT me being the amazing person i am, snatched it for Timmy and i. he asked me out that night also. So yeah we're dating!!:) I find it weird though, just because he's been my best guy friend for years. I really hope if we break up that it doesnt ruin our friendship. That's the only thing i'm worried about...who knows though:) Right now i'm perfectly happy without clint and i'm doing good:D Yay for me. Here are some pictures:) Of course not all of them but some of them. haha

I would say it was pretty fun overall. I mean i guess its nice to go with someone different after 3 years to a experience for sure. God i hate Clint so much. haha whatever.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Got Asked To Prom:)

So Timmy Powell asked me to prom today. I mean i heard he was gonna but i didnt know for sure. It beats goin with Justin. Haha. The way he did it was really cute also. Bryce, Danny and him made t-shirts that said "will you" "go to prom" and then timmy was wearing the one that said "with me". And they hid in choir room, and he told me to meet him in there. So i did and each one of them popped out with their shirts. haha i was completely clueless:) I'm excited though, why not go to prom with my best friend?! It should be super fun:D