Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring Show is on!!

Spring Show is here!! The first two nights have been awesome! Even though Evan's moved me to the back of everything:( oh well, i'd rather be in show than not at all so i'm not complaining:) I've managed to make all my dances on time and even my quick changes!! Yesss! I've also had fun messing with the tech...they are super crazy. Haha. Teachin them how to dip..yeah that was interesting. Although there's this guy named Chris that's cute...and is in tech. I've kinda been flirting with him a bit...:) What? It's not like Clint and i are dating anymore! Which he won't talk to me btw. Even during Spring Show, i tried after the Rambler performance and he didnt do anything, soooo whatever i'm not gonna try and be his friend. But this Chris guy..i have no idea what his last name is...uhhhhhh Courtney told me shit. oh well, anyways...he's niceee and really funny.:) I elbowed him in the face on accident tonight...i KNOW!! awesome. He's probably like "damn this girl is a clumsy ass mother fucker." Haha. Apparantly he's not gonna be at show tomorrow:( Grr. My luck. I've tried to make myself obvious to him but i don't think he's interested. haha. So i'm probably just wasting my I probably won't see him again :( Which sucks because i never got his number...which i was gonna ask for but i figured it'd be really random. Is it bad that that he's what i looked forward to at show? I talked to the bandos about him and they thought he was cute as well. I dunno how old he is though...younger than me that's for sure. But who knows..maybe ill find him before school is up:) Hopefully, he seemed sweet...:/ gahh ok now i've rambled about a guy i barely know and will probably never date. I did manage to get a couple pictures with him:)
Ok he looks funny

See? I wasnt lying when i said he was a catch:)
Anyways, i better go to sleep so i can be amazing at show tomorrow:) Nightttt.

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