Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spring Show comes to an end:(

So my very last show is over:( ahh i could cry again. But for the most part show was awesome!! It wasnt as good as last year's but i cant really complain about this one:) We got a bunch of good pictures. My friend David came to see me:D Of course Miranda wasnt too happy about that. But my daddy and diane came! And even Tanya! I knowww. shockerrr! She got me a little present though haha. I got many flowers from the momma and sissy's:) Made me happy. I dont know what i'm going to do now without Bandos:( My little talk with the bandos before show was really depressing. But i did get some tears outta everyone. Emily got Bando of the Year!!:D She sooo deserved it. Plus i voted for her sooo she had to win:) I noticed Clint staring me down before dance team...awkward...he's such a dick haha. I don't think i'm ever going to forget what it's like to perform on that stage...:( At least i hope i don''s possibly the best feeling ever...ohhh and yes i'm still thinking about that Chris guy...lmao:)

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