Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Austin 2010!

So this year for our team building trip we went to Austin!! We stayed for about a week. We went shopping at these little shopping centers. We also ate at Oasis, which is the most beautiful place to eat. When i get a boyfriend, we're going haha:) At the very top of the restaurant they have a little dance floor where people go dancing and two stepping:) All the bando's learned how to two step..with of course bando's as our partners! Me and Shanah should go pro:) We took a tour of the campus at UT and also visited the capital! We also took a dance class at UT which was awesome. And i really liked the campus so i'm thinking about going here for college:) It's pretty legit:) I also held a mini dance party in our hotel room:) Shhh don't tell. We all got Tyler shirts, i got a kid's one because it was cheaper...and it still fit! I'm smarter than the rest of them. My roomies were Miranda, Shanah and Rachel Morris:) We were the coolest group of roomies EVER! Miranda and i stocked up on our sweets:) So yes we were sugar high the entire time!! AWESOME! Shanah made prank phone calls to the other rooms...which was hilarious...:) I got a whole bunch of cool awesome stuff at the little stores we went to:) The trip was great to pull us all together!! I loved every minute of it! It got my mind off of everything else.

As for my "situation" Clint still hasnt said a thing...I've been staying with miranda for the past week. Her parents have helped me alot. And even though they're helping me, i've never felt more alone:( I wish this never happened.

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