Thursday, January 1, 2009

09' Already?

This year seemed like it just flew past me. I dont know where it went. hmm. New Year's was alright. Not the best ever but it was alright. I spent New Year's at home this year with no booze and no crazy friends. At home watching One Tree Hill. lol. I guess i was just thinking about everything that had happened this year. How i fell in love, got lost in love, screwed some people over, and even made new friends. But this year i plan to change everything about myself. Be more mature. No sex. Control my drinking. Be a little nicer to people, and even try and do more things for others. Who knows how long this will last, but i guess its worth a shot. There is quite a bit i want to do this year. Hopefully get into a good school, try out for Officer. etc. Possibly Ramblers, possibly. haha. Who knows what this year will bring me. A new boyfriend (hopefully not), new friends, new goals and more stories. I figure ill let it take me where it wants. Maybe try not to try too hard at things and just take it easy and live it.
hmm..writing this all down makes it a lot easier to understand. Changing everything about myself might be a little hard considering its who i am. We'll see where it takes me...


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