Monday, January 17, 2011

All we ever do is say good bye...

Being an 'army girlfriend' comes with a lot of pride, happiness, sadness, etc. There are some days that are easy and there are other where I wonder, how am I ever going to make it through? Friend's don't really understand and it's frustrating. When they say stuff like, "Oh my boyfriend is going away for a week on vacation..." it makes me so angry. Vacation? War zone.. let's compare the differences. I feel like civilians take their relationships for granted. They can call their significant other when they please, the text messages, the time they can spend together when ever they want. One of my friends recently said to me that my boyfriend doesn't show me he loves me. ...Odd, when lately he's been away more than he's been home. I freakin get excited over a Skype call!! I'll take anything I can get. I love the fact that I am an army girlfriend, although we seem to be on the sidelines a lot of the time. Waiting and wondering are the hardest parts of this lifestyle. I am proud of my boyfriend and not many people can hold their head high and say their loved one is doing something wonderful for our country. When I see guys on my college campus in their ACU's, I just want to go up and talk to every single one of them. In a way, it's comforting. I can't wait until I can see my boyfriend again. I miss the physical part of our relationship. The simple things, like a kiss or holding his hand, are what I miss the most. Seeing civilian couples together in public is hard & yes, I get jealous, who doesn't? But, I have to keep pushing along; we all do. :( I just wish i we didnt have to keep saying good bye. It's so hard...i wish these two years would hurry up already. I'm ready to marry Austin now.

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