Monday, November 22, 2010

Working @ Joes:)

So i went to Joes the other day and the manager came up to me and asked me to apply for a job. I figured why not. I already knew everyone that worked there so it was pretty much a guaranteed job. And not to mention i need the money. Working at Seven Salsa's is alright but i'm there all the time. I need to be with other people too. Except for some reason all the guys at Joe's are ALWAYS asking me out. Even though they know i have a boyfriend. I've let them down easy though so it's ok now. :) Austin means a lot to me. I barely notice any guys now. Which is amazing because i'm usually always talking to some guy. I think i finally found a guy that makes me happy enough to where i can finally stop looking for that "one" person. <3

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