Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sister Drama...AGAIN! WTF.

Once again i've managed to get everyone and their dog to hate me.
Michelle has this crazy thought that i screwed her over with her boyfriend.
Just because i was trying to get him to come to my party.
I'll admit i told a little white lie. But it ended up becoming true and i told her that.
So since i "fucked up her life" so she says, i decided to leave. My sister took my lap top she gave me back. So thats cool i guess. I had extra graduation money so i went and got an itouch. I called Clint to come get me. Surprisingly he did. We went to the lake and i vented. He made me feel a little better. Although, as we were there he confessed his love to me again. I'm still dating Timmy so i had no idea what to say. I kinda just stood an idiot. Clint called his gf and broke up with her right after he told me that. I was like seriously? Why would he do that. Does he not realize how bad he's made me fee for the past few months? Does he not realize what he's put me through?! Anyways i told him to take me to my dad's and he did. We didnt say much after that. But i still feel really confused. I mean come on Clint. You're timing is horrible. I'm dating someone, you're dating someone. We're not meant to be together. Get that through your head.............

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