Monday, April 12, 2010

Soo apparantly i owe over $500 to bandos...i have NO idea where that came from. The parents were supposed to send out emails to those who owed money, i never got one until now. 3 days before show, and evans says i'm out. I'm so pissed because this whole thing is a bad communication thing!! They told me the DAY before the money was due that i owed that much money. How in the hell am i supposed to get that much in a day?! It's so unreasonable. They claimed they sent me an email, yes after i wrote them asking if i owed money!! Diane, Dad, my mom and even my sisters are pissed at this. My mom apparantly is going to talk to Evans tomorrow and threaten to bring in the superintendent of the school. That should be great, every one is talking which is awesome..great. I feel like quitting. My senior year and no bandos. Just my luck.. ughhh.
Great news!! I'm finally back on Bandos. My mom and sisters talked to Evans this morning and made a big deal..awesome!! I can't believe they did it....i seriously thought my life was over... haha. phew. :D

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