Saturday, March 21, 2009


Went camping with Clint, Matt, Dalton and Chase.

We were planning on drinking but Clint decided to be a dumb ass and bring his truck out there, he got stuck and we spent LITERALLY the entire night trying to get him out. We had to go to Wal-mart to get another tow strap, because Dalton's broke trying to get him out. We were out there from about 11:00 to about 5 am trying to get his ass out. Ugh hes so stupid. It was funny though. We were all crazy and tired the next day and went to clean the trucks off. We also went to eat donuts..that was funny. Considering we were all dirty and muddy. I fucked up my boots, haha now they are my "if i have nothing to wear to get dirty" boots:)

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