Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I kinda like this sport. :)

So my coach has finally set me on a weekly schedule.
He makes me run 3-5 miles every morning.
So before school i get up at like 4 and do my running:)
After school i go up to the gym...
He makes me do,
10 minutes of sparring.
10 minutes of shadow boxing.
10 minutes of heavy bag.
10 minutes of punch mitts.
10 minutes of slip bag.
or 10 minutes of speed bag.
he makes me stretch.
and jump rope.
This usually takes up about two hours.
So i normally get home about 8.
It beats going home to get yelled at by my mom.
My 6 pack has gotten more defined!!! I thought i'd never get one. haha.
But yeah...i think i'll get used to this:)

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