Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's offically over.

Well, It's now officially over between me and Clint. It was hard to end the year and a half relationship. But i gathered up my courage and went for it. He didn't take it well. He got mad and asked if there was someone else. Like there was actually someone else?! I don't go around with random guys, although i could. haha. No but really, he was threatning suicide AGAIN! All week his Myspace status is "i cant live anymore." or " no reason to live." Really?! I'm not trying to shoot myself down or anything but nothing is worth ending your life. Not even a girl! Or a guy! They aren't worth ending your life. Life is too precious and golden to throw away. I learned that the hard way, unfortunatly. Whatever though. What's done is done. I hope he knows i am not coming back this time. It's for real. No more pretending i like him, or dealing with his shit. Although, i wish him the best of luck with who ever he meets next. He better get the hint. It's not like i don't want to be friends. I do. I guess we will see in a few months if friendship will actually be functional.
Thats all for now.
Write more soon.
P.S. I'm not sure if i should be happy or sad...:/

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