Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dear (Insert name here)...

Good Lord, go to hell you, artificial barbie doll, on your high horse, with your fake nails and spray tan. Take that bottomless bank of money that you spend "perfecting" your body and shove it up your ass. You will have to take a thud to the head to realize you are nothing but plastic, and not in the slightest bit tangible.

Fuck You.

The way your Facebook is flooded with comments and wall post from other fake bitches. You boost each others self esteem by writing back and forth to each other. Then you can say "Oh look! A new notification" Well aren't you so damn popular.

Fuck You.

If thats what you think is important in this world? Then you can continue living in your fantasy, please, stay away from my reality. Your narcissistic attitude disgusts me. You can't take one day off? You're makeup is so thick I can poke a hole through it! How much blush do you need? Fake eyelashes? Have you ever gone one goddamned day without flourishing your face in manufactured goo? You are lightyears away from being organic, fuck your TOMS shoes, as if you gave a shit about anyone besides your self, let alone NATURE. Ha!


Fuck You.

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