Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Sooooo camp this year was awesome! We went to camp with the Pearce Pacesetters. Which means Cydney was there...awesome. I cant stand her. If i could kick her ass without getting kicked off bandos i totally would! Anyways. All three days of getting up at 6 am and getting home at midnight were awesome:) I stayed at Allison's, Megan Spina's, and Aimee's:) We made cuppy cakes:) Who knew Ben Gay was a bando's best friend?! I'm sooooo soreeee. We had good breakfast though!! Some delicious fruit shit haha. We learned all of our football game routines and our returning girl pep rally, and team pep rally:) This year is gonna be awesome! The last day of camp is always on August 11th. Yes, my birthday:) So the team sang to me and everything...nice. haha. We were judged and of course i got all blue ribbons:) and even extra ones for good technique and showmanship:) Yesss. I would say, camp this year was awesome!! I'm going to miss it:( Anyways, school is coming up! Yay, Seniors!

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