Tuesday, November 3, 2009

BANDOS this year:)

Bandos is actually doing pretty good. All of the new girls listen and respect me. I'm even giving a few private lessons. Because i'm that nice:) I don't know what im going to do without bandos next year:( It's always been my life:/ I'm known at school as "stephanie the bando" not just "...steph" its weird you know? I'm trying to live it up as best as i can:) I helped at the tryouts this year:) I got a gold star from Evans, and i thought i would never ever get one:) It made me happy. I think the new girls are gonna be awesome next year and i can't wait to go visit them. Their first game is gonna be awesome:D Anyways here's a few pictures from fb season:) It's been a good football season! Now off to contest and show:D

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