Saturday, July 24, 2010

What do i do?

I can never catch a break. First Rachel then Evan. I can't get Evan to leave me alone...He's mad that i don't wanna date him. I'm sorry? I mean he needs to get the hint. I've been so stressed...Chris always wants to help with him...but i don't need help. He did hit me the last time i saw him, and he did threaten to kill...which scares me. Chris thinks i'm not realistic. I may not be realistic but i do know how to take care of myself. I have faith in everything i do, which is the only way i get through everything. Chris doesnt have faith in me. He doesnt believe i can do this...I can take care of myself...i can make this go away..he just needs to let me do this by myself. It's my problem, not his. Why doesn't anyone ever understand this?

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