Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July:)

So i invited Chris to come over for the fourth:) We hung out yesterday and went to watch fire works:) It was seriously PERFECT. We sat on top of his car and everything. Lol. But anyways he met my family, and baby john:) We also went to watch fire works...kinda at the school. Didn't work out very well but i didnt care...i just liked being next to him. He was very good with my nephews:) I think they liked him. I find myself just watching him and how he acts sometimes. I cant figure out his story. I wish i could. I wish i knew what about him, that makes me like him so much. He's just a caring guy. Which is exactly what i need. Although over the years i've learned not to let anyone know me too well...and not get too close to anyone...hopefully i can let him in. Today was amazing:) I def. see myself being happy with this guy.

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