Thursday, April 29, 2010


We went to the rodeo this weekend!! I went with Tanya and some guy..and my sister Michelle. And guess who else? Just guess. You'll never guess. Chris Albrecht! mhmmm. Random i know. lol. We had only hung out once before but i must admit it was a little awkward at first. haha. I think it was because i was used to checkin him out at show..and now that he actually kinda had a hint i like made it worse haha. But it went well..he's quite the joker i must say. He was joking the entire night! But it actually made me start to like him more.:) We were makin fun of the fat people:P Towards the end of the night...i guess you could say we got a little close. :) Not makin out or anything but just touchy haha. It was weird because it actually felt nice. I mean, he's a really good guy. I'm just concerned about the age. I mean i don't normally date younger i dont really know how to handle it. I mean i know if it came down to it i could deal with it but i just dunno. Did i mention he was funny? lol. Because he is...literally made me laugh the entire time. I think it's really funny how he always blinks in pictures haha. It's like you have to hold his eye lids open!:) lol When we were leaving i think he expected a kiss...and i thought about it...but i just thought we needed second date thingy. It's hard to trust a lot of guys these days for me...and i'm still trying to figure him out. And usually i can figure guys out like that! But he's so different...and hard to read. I like him:) He makes me happy haha. I still can't believe i found him on facebook...crazyyyy. haha. anyways i better do some pre calc...Dr. Strong already hates me:( peaceeee.

Oh oh oh. Don't we make a kinda cute couple? hmmmmm:)

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