Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day!

So today was one of the best Christmas's EVER! I got a whole bunch of stuff that i didnt need but really wanted. New phone so thats good. Im thinking about using my next pay check to upgrade it. Its not amazing but its a start. I get to talk to my lover whenever i want so thats all i need.:) My step-sister and my nephews came over. They wouldn't stop nagging on me. It's play play play all day long. haha. I definetly got my exercise for the break. I really don't want to go back to school. All there is drama, drama and more drama. Everyone is fake and everyone cheats. It's not that i dont like school. It's the people there. They just really suck. :/ Other than that, today went well. I got to talk on the phone to Nik's mom for the first time. Even though it was like two minutes, she seemed really cool. Maybe ill meet her soon. Until then, i'm off to shower. Then gonna call the boyfriend.:) Maybe another interesting phone convo later. haha. ;) I just absolutly love this boy. He's my world. It's the little things he did to make me smile, that made me fall completely in love with him. I think of him every second of every day. He's my favorite subject to takl about. When i hug him i wish i could never let go. Most of all my dreams have him in them. I always get excited when i see him again. He knows i'll annoy him, piss him off, say stupid stuff, freak out and then take it back. But put all that aside, and you get a girl that loves and cares about him more than anything. Just thinking about him puts the biggest smile on my face and my heart beats faster and faster. (like now) I re-read all our convos over and over again. When we are together, i never want the moment to end, i just want it forever and ever. Whenever i am with him or look at him, nothing else in the world matters. I am blind to everything but him. I am on cloud nine just by the way he smells. Just by hearing his voice, i get butterflies and can't help but smile. I would do absolutly anything in the world for him since he is my everything and my world. When i tell him i love him i dont say it out of habit or to make conversation...i say it out of habit to remind him that he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just plain miss him. :/

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