2. Don't act like you know what you're talking about when you don't. It just pisses us off.
3. Don't treat us badly and with disrespect.
4. Don't give us commands like we're some kind of dog. We're your equal and should be treated as such.
5. Sure, you're the guy, so you can act like you're the stronger one... Whatever... But, don't EVER act like you're the head of the house. Relationships are to be an equal situation.
6. Don't yell at us when we do something wrong.
7. When you screw up, don't blame your fault on us.
8. Don't be rude to our side of the family. Ever.
9. Don't give yourself special privilges.
10. Don't hide anything from us.
11. Don't tell us lies.
12. Don't make stupid decisions.
13. When we act mean or hissy, don't get us even more angry by acting like a jerk. We're girls. You don't understand what we go through.
14. Don't be immature.
16. Don't ever say, "Go make me a sandwich!" Or something along those lines... We're not your damn maids!!!
17. Don't tell us to clean up after your messes.
18. Don't be lazy.
19. Don't abuse us!!! We're not animals!!! We're your equal!!! I can't express that enough.
20. Don't talk over us, believe me when you listen, we'll listen.
21. Don't turn the problem around when it is CLEARLY your fault.
22. Don't hold grudges if we try apologizing for something we did wrong.
23. Don't make us worry by staying out all night and not coming home until later.
24. Don't forget to compliment us when we put on a cute outfit and spice up our look. It pisses us off when we spend all that time getting ready to not get a compliment from you.
25. When you know we're right, don't act like you know you're right. When you're wrong, it's better to admit it.
26. Don't treat us badly in front of friends just to show your manly-hood. Again, we're your EQUAL.
27. Don't cop a joke on us and embarrass us. It's NOT funny! Especially when we're surrounded by strangers or friends.
28. If we ask a question like, "Do I look fat in this dress?" Don't tell us a lie to save our feelings. Tell us the truth. But do it in a nice way. Not a mean way. This will show us that you're honest.
29. Don't forget to tell us you love us!
30. Don't act like we're nothing.
31. Don't act like we're just somebody in your life to cook for you and provide you with sexual pleasure.
32. Don't make us do something we don't want to do.
33. Don't threaten us.
34. Don't put pressure on us.
35. Don't make us do everything to maintain a good relationship.
36. Don't cast rude comments on us when we're crying.
37. Don't say that another girl is hot or beautiful in front of us. You wanna get slapped?!
38. Don't laugh at us when we do something wrong, screw something up, or embarrass ourselves.
39. Don't push us in pools!!! ESPECIALLY when we have make up on!!
40. Don't treat us unfairly.
41. You don’t have PMS; don’t act like you know what it’s
42. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook;
doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.
43. If you talk about having a big dick; we know you don’t.
44. Size does matter, but only to hoes; not girls that
want relationships.
45. No matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is a hoe.
46. It’s good to be sensitive, sometimes.
47. Be spontaneous; dinner and a movie won’t always cut it. We are self-conscious by nature; we can’t help it.
48. We are DrAmA queens.
49. Don’t ask us to give head; if you are nice you just might get it.
50. Hugs and kisses must be given at all times.
51. We don’t shave our legs every day so get over it.
52. Don’t make bets about us; we always find out.
53. Shave; no matter how cool you think your goatte or
beard or mustache looks, we hate it.
54. Even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emitt
other strange gases from your body, it is not.
55. Don’t compare our breasts with Pamela Anderson’s;
hers are fake, just remember that. ( u have a better shot
at ours than you ever will with hers)
56. You can shoot hoops, score a goal, knock down big
fat guys, and hit a little baseball with a stick, so why
the hell can’t you piss in the toilet and not on it.
57. Don't act smarter than us, even you are, it's fucking annoying listening about everything you "know about better than us."
42. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook;
doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.
43. If you talk about having a big dick; we know you don’t.
44. Size does matter, but only to hoes; not girls that
want relationships.
45. No matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is a hoe.
46. It’s good to be sensitive, sometimes.
47. Be spontaneous; dinner and a movie won’t always cut it. We are self-conscious by nature; we can’t help it.
48. We are DrAmA queens.
49. Don’t ask us to give head; if you are nice you just might get it.
50. Hugs and kisses must be given at all times.
51. We don’t shave our legs every day so get over it.
52. Don’t make bets about us; we always find out.
53. Shave; no matter how cool you think your goatte or
beard or mustache looks, we hate it.
54. Even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emitt
other strange gases from your body, it is not.
55. Don’t compare our breasts with Pamela Anderson’s;
hers are fake, just remember that. ( u have a better shot
at ours than you ever will with hers)
56. You can shoot hoops, score a goal, knock down big
fat guys, and hit a little baseball with a stick, so why
the hell can’t you piss in the toilet and not on it.
57. Don't act smarter than us, even you are, it's fucking annoying listening about everything you "know about better than us."
58. When you want us to open up. LISTEN. I don't know how you can listen and move your mouth at the same time.That is called "talking". Talking and listening are two different things, probably why they are called different names.
59. Act like a man, not a baby. Being sensitive is totally okay and understandable. But every day...you might wanna change to a women at that point. We're emotional, we expect you to keep us calm.
60. Don't bring up our flaws, we realize we're not perfect in the first place...