Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dance Team Pep Rally:)

So the dance team pep rally was uhhmazing! It was kinda scary just the nine of us in front of the entire school but i guess it was ok. haha. I didn't mess up! Whoop. Here's some pictures from the dance:) beast...:D I loveddddd that song, "Creator" by Santigold:) Awsome blossom possom.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Returning Girl Pep Rally:D

So we finally had our last returning girl pep rally:( Afton choreographed it so you KNOW it was awesome. Heather was a beast, as usual...haha. We did a mixed tape of 3 songs. "Ice Cream Paint Job", "Move If You Wanna" & "You're A Jerk". It was pretty ballinnn bro.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Soooo me and Clint are going to HC this year again...I hope it doesnt turn out like last year's haha. Our relationship is...ya know..ok i guess. Nothing different. Still fighting though:( But i made his garter this year myself and i must say i am very proud of it... i even tweeked it a little and made it more...ya know Clint haha.
This is my mum that Clint helped make:) It's HUGE! I can barely carry it. haha. Oh and there's Matt being gay:)I'll update this after the pep rally and homecoming:)
Ok it's laterrrrrrrr. Homecoming was awesome:) The pep rally was awesome:) Everything=perfect!!