Saturday, February 20, 2010


So i was late...........
took a test........
it was positive.
kill me please.
no idea what i'm gonna do..
i'm just freaking out.
How do i tell him?
How do i tell my family?
How am i gonna do this?
What do i do?
I need help.
Denise says that i'll figure something out...
she's been talking me through this for the past two days.
I just dont know how this happened.
Well i know i'm about a month off.
so im pretty sure it's too late for an abortion.
Not that im resulting to that.
but still.
i'm fucked:(

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So we have had most the most i've ever seen in my life. It's been soooo awesome! And cold, i love it:) I think i would like to move somewhere where it's like this all the time:) It's just so pretty. We went to some park with a huge hill and went snow tubing on it:D We also tied a tube to Dalton's Truck and went skiing all over the Berkner parking lot. It was awesome. Of course i almost flipped but no biggie:) I also made an awesome huge snow ball that i must say, was very proud of;) My puppy loved the snow too:D She had never seen it before:) It's been a good week:D

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Terry Costa Ad!

Today, me and some Bando's went to Terry Costa to take the ad picture for the program:) I always get Terry Costa because she always buys a full page!!! Less i have to sell!! haha. I'm probably gonna get a prom dress here...even though they're like $7547352974309532. Kidding. But yeah, we also got a little carried away with the picture taking..and starting being models. ahha yes we're THAT cool:)